Saturday, July 27, 2013

Love Your Brain, Like Kevin Pearce.

 Kevin Pearce.
Can you see the determination in his eyes? The future right in front of him, for the taking?
His eyes pierce your soul.
I so remember the intensity, drive, and excitement for the future!
His led him down this path....
A contender for the 09 Olympics, slated as one to rival Shaun White.
Guess what changed all that?
Not a traffic violation.
A Traumatic Brain Injury.
(now he will pierce your heart)
 He was practicing a double cork and nailed his noggin' on the half pipe.
His helmet saved his life.
The fall damaged his vision along with that important thing in his skull.
His family, The Pearce's live back east, where his father established a glass company called Simon Pearce, gathered round him. 
(Go to the web site and watch them make the beautiful pieces of art. Who knew a drinking glass could take that much effort? )
Oh, they also have a love your brain bowl.

All proceeds go to Kevin's foundation: Love your Brain.

Their mission:
Our mission is to remove the stigma from the term "mental health." The goal is to educate America
about mental health and bring the conversation out of the shadows and into regular life.
They also have another famous and amazing member of their family, David. (on K's right in above picture.)The mother, Pea, explained how David prepared them for their young son's dreams to shatter like glass right before their eyes- at age 22, I believe.
Watch it on the documentary: The Crash Reels.
(apparently still not available online yet. But there are showing in Europe and down under as the summer progresses)
It was played in Utah's backyard Sundance Festival this last Feb. Dang, that is when I fell and bumped my head. Compared to his whip slap on the lip of the half pipe.... oh, my.
I don't know how Pea endured watching him run the mountain since he was 5.
But when you have a helmet on.... you think you are somewhat safer.
Utah even got to have Kevin while he was:
In a Coma.
This is a universal sign for being bed-ridden I think.
It isn't fun.
His passion helped him get through months of rehab at Craig Hospital after awaking from his coma.
Located in Colorado, he retrained his body and endured eye surgeries, and more to even get to where he is at now.
Kevin assumed he would compete again. The documentary helps him see that he could die if he does. Watch and see what this amazing kid does with his life.
Soap Box is officially sudzed up!
Enjoy the searches..... Kevin Pearce, Lucy Walker and her documentary on him, The Pearce Family, Glass Blowing in the beautiful Vermont area.
Sigh. One, day I will walk into their restaurant and have dinner with them.
it's that kind of destination.
And they are the kind of people you would want to meet.
 Or have them adopt you.
And your kid.
Love your Brains!
I am gonna need one of these.
 So will J.

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