Monday, October 18, 2010

Mountain Lion Days - Trick-Or-Cleats

In Idaho you always stand the chance of a couple Snow Days per winter. When I was a kid, it was more brutal. But with the Global Warming we haven't had as much snow. It's still cold. And you may get a Too Cold To Start the Buses Day every so often when the Superintendents deemed 30 below too cold- not counting the wind factor.

It didn't take an alarm clock to wake us up the morning after a blizzard. Excitedly we waited by the radio in our nightgowns and once the DJ announced our school district we hopped up and down with glee that we didn't have to wake up for school but could do this in the sub temps:

So this morning when I got an early wake up call, I expected to see where the computer voiced sub dispatch wanted me to go.

It was the Police Station. "G-r-r-eat!" A family member in a jail cell popped into my head. But luckily for us and the rest of the west side, the Mountain Lion is still on the loose.

That's right. A mountain lion.

I brushed off all fears last week despite the intercom warning to "walk in groups" for those heading off campus to a class because it seemed a random, they will catch it sooner or later type of deal.

So when the automated system warned that the little children shouldn't walk to school and the street address of the last sighting, and that they weren't going to Cancel for a little ol MOUNTAIN LION; I thought the District was almost as brutal as back in my day.

J of course woke up with lightning speed when I casually mentioned to watch for it today at school. "Are you joking me?" I am not joking I tried to convince him with a laugh. There's a mountain lion hangin' around, I sniffed like it is what all us Idahoans deal with on a regular basis. Like Alaskans and Moose walking along the sidewalks.

"What do we do at recess?" he asked baffled at my non-chalance but unable to hide his concern.

"Well, all those girls chasing you is now going to pay off, champ, just run. You can wear your soccer cleats today." I offered up.

He was enthralled. Green light on the cleats. I thought right now might be a good time to take Hunter Safety Classes. Too bad I can't squeeze them in before Halloween.... BOO-Hoo!!

However, J is doing Jedi training. I might need to start those, too.

May the Force be with YOU!!!!!!!!!!

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