Sunday, December 20, 2015

Crohns, Cushings/and the Holy War Football Game

I am happy to say that Dr, Suess is right. Christmas can come without all the hoopla. However, just because it can, doesn't mean I don't want to leave the hoopla up through January!
After having the month of December robbed from us dealing with medical hoopla, we are going to get Christmas decorations up and let the feeling boil over into all of January. Why not? I mean, usually it is hard to pull down anyways, why not just make January a special month?
As months go, January is pretty chilly and sad-ish around Idaho. The weather burns that in with cold temps, high winds, and the media starts in with the next holiday which is not Christmas!
So, back to Suess and his life lessons! So glad we started to get things rounded up after the last few flu stragglers came into camp. (when you have a big family, you have to endure the weeks of everyone getting it.)
One of the things I was wishing for but have not done the formalities and penned it in a letter to Santa:
I wanted to watch a game with J.
I think this was a wish from some time back and so I was pretty much for sure it wouldn't happen. Friends invited us, or was it the other way around? Well, anyway, we got to see the rivals
play their Holy War out in Vegas' Bowl Today!
We were late for the first part and slaughter of dignity when the U intercepted, intercepted, intercepted.
Did I mention the Y threw interceptions?
I know, you fans out there are wondering: "How did Amanda not run out of wind cheering, let alone from crossing the street?"
Well, it was a miracle. When you start out with a lost voice it isn't like you find it during a Bowl game. With my cortisol keeping my hoots and hollers in tact, it helped that I was mute too.
There isn't much that can bring loved ones together like a good rival game.
I was a fence sitter due to the medical condition- I couldn't take the 35-0 scoreboard going into Bronco Mendenhall's last game with the Y without feeling some serious remorse for the skinny, pastey white lanky armed players I saw trying to catch the ball that they call a football.
AAAHHHHHHHHHHHH~~~ They could have subbed me in and done better, REaders!
Sure, I would have had to be flown into the U's hospital afterward, but man......
Back to my wish coming true. Do you readers recall HOW LONG it has been since I have been able to attend, let alone cheer, at a football game??
For you newbies, I love watching a good game. When you go with your friends it is even more fun.
When you get to go with your child and they understand the game better than you now- it is so FUN.
Would the Cougars just lay down and let the Utes put in some c string?
THAT was the question for the half.
Thanks to the Utes laying down, the Cougars ripped back into action. It was a completely different team. Were those some serious quad muscles juking players bent on being rivals out there??
Yes, it was! The light blue jerseys came out and boy, they had me wondering and glad I was in the middle!
For Christmas, we were in for a treat- with plenty of chips, pop and dip handy the Y gave us a come back to always remember. 4 downs within a foot. Touchdowns within a blade of grass....
ALL of this with my bestest son. And his mother pal. We sat on the couch and took in a game. I could not have asked for a better gift. It came without me having to search, ask him to write a letter to Santa so he wouldn't forget what he wanted.....
It seems that when I let go, Santa Claus showed up with what I wanted before I had time to even stop and think about it. I didn't think it was possible, really. I would have thought we'd have to get cable or drive to Vegas to take in the game. Or find a Cure to Crohns before I could cheer.
I was able to take a cane and gingerly cross the icy side walks, follow the car tracks left in the snow by fellow neighbors, until we came to our friend's happily decorated house.
They even had a REAL tree up with the big bulb, old school lighting.
- Which you don't see much of these days.
It was heaven! Or Christmas! Or both. Right here, before the Big Day, we had the best day.
It was worth the wait and the fatigue that came afterward.
This is non-edited and picture free. When I get some extra time and energy, I will add more.
Happy Final Week Before the Big Day,

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