Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Four Star Review!! And it Snowed, Dang.

*****Before you read a post written from some time ago, I must remind you that it is-*******


After I looked into the movie: Crash Reel, they email me like I am part of the crew and sent this information. So I am passing on the love.

Actually, I do feel part of the 'brain crew' after suffering two concussions in conjunction with my
lovely auto-immune diseases.
So I don't mind being on the auto-email.
It doesn't help when you do stupid things, like I did on the second concussing,

but the movie

there to help raise awareness to the trauma our kids face as we advance in sports and Rec.
Or even the simple act of walking outside on a sunny day, mounting your skate board for a quick flip and
 doink; you fall.

Hit yer blimey unprotected head.
Here are the stats:

At least 173,000 plus falls like this happen a year.

Wear your helmets!

I am talkin' to YOU- J.!

 Even if ya think it's nerdy and never did as a kid, survived many a goose egg- and are here to tell the blog.....

And the afro lookin' thing that protects the helmet.

Sure, you'll get the ribbing now but when others are drooling in the nursing home you will at least be having a candid conversation with loved ones about the most recent events.

More movie plug:
I loved the movie- it is much more than a Snowboarding movie.

It is about family.

And loving who

you are

whether you have 'Up Syndrome' (a.k.a. Downs Syndrome) like David, or are an Olympic contestant who
suffers a horrific crash leading him down a road that is so painful and painful to watch- because his beautiful brain

is forever changed.

And his dreams have to change.

So google Kevin Pearce- go on his site: Kevinpearce.com
National Geographic (another past fav. mag of mine-)
named K.P. Honoree Adventurer of the Year for 2014.

 Buy the movie. Or a sticker and shirt...
or just watch his stuff.

It is so good to see this kid, I mean guy, HAPPY after what happened!

If you watch the movie or read about them, you will find yourself falling in love with the whole Pearce family's brains.

Their son, David, steals the show. He has Down Syndrome. He doesn't like his disability.
When he tells us this it aches. And suddenly my disability is something I need to come to grips with, be more attentive to other's disabilities, and..... just roll with it.

 David shows us a closer look into the brain.
And it is lovely.
If only we can find our own brains lovely when they don't do what we WANT them to do....

They are amazing, show us how to be kind to one another.
Something my brain still needs working on. BUT it does show that Kev's accident, David's Down Syndrome effect the actions, thoughts, and feelings of the brain.

And the Dr. at Craig Hospital where KP spent three months of re-hab tells us we have to discipline our thinking.

that said....
On with the show, er post.

*Another addition to the original post: IT FREAKIN SNOWED.
It felt like July all last week here in Idaho. Well, maybe more like end of June when the wind is dying down.

We were sporting only a sweatshirt. And down south it was even warmer.
So guess what irritating sound I heard when J. came home from school today??
Yes, you guessed it.

More pleas to SKI.
I totally thought I was in the clear. But if you live in Idaho, nothing makes sense.


Here's the post I wrote months ago, or something:Actually, just read it another day. It's a yawner.

Does anyone read the reviews before buying a product?

Or look into Consumer's Reports?
Do any of you, dear Readers, write reviews? If not, then you have a way cooler life than me.

 My only hope is that my reviews help those really needing an honest opinion. And to avoid making a mistake, or realize an item might run small or large and by how much.

I hate to think that this might be why I was put on earth.

But when you are enjoying disease- which can feel like a bad case of the stomach flu accompanied by thros of nausea- or possibly you feel like John Adams heading to Europe on a ship and have a touch of sea sickness,

 WELL,- I give back to the community by form of  The Review.

Yes, my email box is full of letters asking me to rate items. They want MY opinion!
They know my name and beg for a review! Wow, I feel important. And there is now something that I can do to help mankind; give Reviews.

So, I have given it whilst in bed.

Sometimes the poor service given when making a purchase can make a person place a

bad review.

 And the happy customer who bought the good thing is too busy being happy to say that it is a

 good product.

Which leads us to ask:
Do you Take the Chance??
Do you purchase???

As a girl I recall being at a restaurant and my very gregarious aunt being quite hard on a waitress for something that seemed sorta minor in the waitressing world.
I cringed.
Did she really need t slap the sap upside the head for a simple mistake?
Her actions did make people stand to attention, provide excellence, but were probably gossiping about the mean customer back in the kitchen.

once again- cringe.

What happened was something that I

I would have let it


possibly not tipped as well, or kindly told her about the mistake.
No way did I have the courage to stand up like that. Or the cruelty.

Nor did I think it a situation needing standing up for. I mean it was eggs and toast- something trivial.

HOWEVER- since then I have found things worth standing up for.
And I found my voice.

Well, since this week was a real doozy when I look back and review it, I am doing review on products that I think deserve my say,since I have appreciated reviews others have given when they could have used their time to walk their pet ferret.
Whether it was to order smaller or larger, the material lasting only so long, the time and effort of the material, how the service was from the company- I have gained a lot of knowledge on a product and found what I needed.

And since I haven't published a book at all, except this quaint little blog about my life and the funny and not so funny, the reviews almost make me feel important!  Like the shrewd man on Ratatouille who reviews food and everyone hangs on his every perfectly worded review.

Or it is akin to:

people who taste wine

and then tell us non drinkers what it tasted like.

 It is amusing to know what we are missing and if it would taste good with Tillamook cheese, for example. So we settle for Salomi squares and cheese on a platter at Christmas. If the Christmas fight hasn't broken out yet and the toothpicks used as small swords or poking another in the eye.
 The review

is there and we can treat it like a book of sorts,and it can transport us into the moment.

Whether you are wearing smart wool socks on the ski hill or shaving super sensitive skin with a woman's Remington shaver- it's good to have others input before you buy.

NO thing like being on the top of Grand Targhee, with wild winds whipping around you and fog creating a screen in which you can only see your goggles in front of you. At that point one would have looked into other gear besides socks. But what do you do? The socks kept J. toasty and he made his way down the hill- albeit in a few separate pieces.

This is what the teen boarders had for a review of his fall off the top of the highest point with some Indian name I forget:

Dude! That was INSANE! Did you see that kid fall??

I can only think of a few tips from Bear Grylls and the hopes of Indiana Jones coming in his Heli to save me cause he lives in those parts. Jaden was glad to be alive and wasn't afraid to give his Reviewers a few words. He doesn't say that here, but when I heard about the fall, the reviews, and his response- I was in complete accordance with it. Took guts. Heck, I wouldn't have even dared go up the fifteen minute ride to the top. And if I did, I'd take off my skis to save time and just slide down.

Other times, like after you have purchased the item and then get online to see that there were reviews stating the same problem, it is a bit of a blimey reminder that you should have done your homework.

Or used simple math like what 2 oz. looks like and how easily it can be sprayed. But let me tell you, those two ounces made me a believer.  * I love No. 2 And I wish I could work for this company cause I have several really good ideas on names for other concoctions to eliminate smell.

'Before-You-Go' Toilet Spray from Poo-Pourri

Sadly, it doesn't eliminate disease. Or Depression. Or meds that make you that much more reviewable. And when the week comes to a close it leaves you feeling a lot like that hanger in Dr. Suess book that is just left there in the middle of nowhere.

Or the one left sock in some cavern. Dr. Suess must have surely passed through all things in order to make funny out of not-so-funny in life. The reason this is coming to me is because his books were held in such high regard by J. , that I had them almost memorized. And I was really hating the author for making me go through such hell each night with the tongue twisting jargon.
But the books are comforting, like the bed up above which to me has always signified home. A safe place. Ironically I put it there thinking that the window from a bedroom would be quaint and inviting but the bed has been where I have been. A lot.
Besides the bathroom. Fortunately I have had a good bed. A friend of mine told me about the awful time she had in her bed and that her and her husband had to turn it over. And then just turned it back.
Beds can be a real back breaker. Like the taco bed when you are married. Oh, I hated that bed. Thankfully, Padre's advice on never throwing away a receipt or warranty saved me from the continual horror of that bed!
But even a good bed can be hell if you have to stay in it due to illness.  Whether you have sprained your ankle, your body, or your brain. There you are; in bed. Writing reviews for Wal-Mart.

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