Tuesday, May 25, 2010


Wind, rain, hail, and more wind can only mean one thing in Idaho: Baseball season.

Believe it or not, I was sooo excited that it was raining last night because then I would have to call all my little league kids and cancel practice.

Today I woke up to SUN.

I forgot that, yes, this is Idaho. Jaden was elated.

The passed few weeks have been spent breaking in his baseball glove(s). Two actually. The first was too big. NOw that we have the right size, softness, and position glove we can go through the process all over. Two leather gloves are getting tender loving care in our home.

I played a bit in the summers when I was younger, I figured I knew a bit about baseball. I did not know that there is a different glove for infielders vs. outfielders, first base vs. second (i.e.second needs a shorter mitt to scoop up and first base along with left field or possibly short do better.)

I just wanted to go to Big 5 and get a reasonably priced glove. Or Wal-Mart. Or whatever.

Sure, I knew that catcher's mitts were different, but that was it. After studying the net, a few practices, and playing catch; I came across some great info on the Wilson Glove site.

Mr. Aso (ahso) has been making mitts for 30 years and these are his tips to breaking it in. He has a link on the site called: ASK ASO! (him below)

Things you will need: saddle soap (or glove oil for athletic store), thick elastic bands, two soft cloths and energy.

1. Gently wipe the mitt with a damp rag and the saddle soap or oil.

I used a tiny bit and worked it in especially on the ties because this is where most important stretching will take place. J wanted to paint it on. Be prepared for that. After that take a soft, dry cloth and wipe it off.

2. Put a ball in the place you'd like to catch it, wrap the glove around it and stretch the rubber bands around the glove.

3. He says to put on your favorite pj's, put your mitt by your bed and hit the hay!

He warns: Don't sleep on it, put a safe on it or try to run it over with your car; it will crease the leather in the wrong spot. J and I made this mistake initially with the first mitt. Granted, I did not use a safe or car but a bunch of books.

4. The last secret is the most important: PLAY CATCH! Mr. Ano informed my son to, 'play as often as possible.'

J was thrilled that he had already mastered this step and that it was me that needed to take this part more seriously. (we play every day at least 30 minutes, currently looking for subs!!)

Thanks to J's baseball prayer last night, that he would 'be able to snag those balls out of the sky and that mom will play A LOT', we have a higher power on our side.

Other great tips were: stick it in a warm car during the day to warm up the leather, rub the mitt and even talk to the mitt. I have had to watch my language around the mitts lately.

You can oil it two or three times in the first two weeks, but remember to go easy on the oil!!! This will ruin the mitt. Be sure to wipe off excess with a dry cloth.

After only a few days the gloves, as well as my right arm, feel like butter!

I have just one question I'd like to ask Mr. Aso; "Will you come play ball with my son so I can make dinner?"

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