Saturday, February 6, 2010

Travels Happen

I missed the HS basketball game bewteen us and our cross town rivals. Jaden got to go. So I listened to it on the radio.

After dominating the first half, they self-destructed. When J came home I asked him what happeneed, why all the turnovers in the second half?

"Travels happen," he said.

Yes they do. This morning he dug a book out of the book shelf: Driven From Within by Michael Jordan. he gazed at all the pictures, unfolded some to show the wing span of Jordan's arms. One page he saw the bottom of the shoes and said: "Look at the traction on these shoes." He found out they were Air Jordans made by Nike and decided he needed a pair. Reminded him of how many lawns that would take for him.

He went to his room, where he had put tape on the carpet to resemble a court and practiced BB with the Nerf hoop on his door.

He came back in a while later and said: I made 165. By that time I had been reading in the book.

In the intro he said: "...I learned to follow my instincts. my standards have always been mine alone. I have never tried to be like somebody else, or live up to the expectations of others. I don't believe in following."

He continues to talk about leadership when he says on p. 13: "great leaders are those who lead by example first. You can't demand respect because of a title or a postion and expect people to follow. That might work for a little while, but in the long run people respond to what they see. They might even listen, but they usu, will act bsed on the actions of the person talking."

Then the next page says: "luck has nothing to do with it. Practice."

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