Friday, February 19, 2010

Mind Reader

Kid's say the darndest things. The other day Jaden brought me a package that had come in the mail. Inside the white box was a water bottle and tote with the Logo: Secure. The pckg. was from the company that wants to track me for ten years on the drug Cimzia.

I read it out loud to J and my mom. Then said: "Well, that makes me feel good to be noticed for my efforts." Jaden replied: "It's good that you're tough, mom."

I about broke down- his compliment makes it worth it. He took over my water bottle, however, and I came into his room to see it filled. That's ok.

I had cleaned his room really good over the wknd, so when I had the stomache flu he'd given me (hard not to get it when you get hit with it point blank)
he decided to clean MY room.

I came downstairs to see things it tip top shape. I walked in and "ooh and ahhed" then said: "Did ya put it in the closet?" Astonished he said:

"Mom, you must read minds or something!"

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