Wednesday, January 20, 2010

One Virtuous Woman

A couple of years ago I watched a movie, bella. Then I watched the special features and was stunned to see this actor, Eduardo Verastegui, make such a stand for virtue.

After being in a Mexican boy band, a model, and in telenovelas he came to America to pursue his career. He was learning English from a woman who asked if he believed in God. He answered Yes. WEll after further questions, she asked him more questions that he answered in the affirmative. Then she asked why he was using his body, a temple, to poison others.

Well he had an about face, changed his life,

recommited to God and even started a film company called Metanoia.But not before he went four years with out work. He wanted to be part of a company that would make films that make a difference. Ones that don't depict the Latino culture in a negative light. wow. That is a sacrifice.

And he had the courage to make a movie that promoted a woman not terminating her pregnancy...

Did I mention that he was handsome? ay, yi, yi.

Yesterday I read an article boldly stating that "A Return to Virtue Could Save a Nation." (Elaine S. Dalton. BYU Magazine 2010. p58-63.)
She writes: "WE live in a world that is concerned about cleanliness and purity- the cleanliness of our air and the cleanliness of our environment, our water, and our food. In some places we legislate against pollution and even have government funded environmental protection agencies to ensure that we are not made ill by contaminants that get into our air, our water, or our food supply. Yet society tolerates moral pollution in the form of porn on billboards, television, and the Internet and entertainment and other media. We tolerate filth that invades our minds through suggestive lyrics, music, and language.

I believe that the lack of virtue in our society is directly resp for many of our social, financial, and governmental ills. I believe that the disintegration of faith and families and the financial unrest are directly related to a lack of virtue in our society. And I believe that a return to virtue could save an entire nation.

We call for a social reform, but what is really needed is a moral reform- a call for a return to Virtue. Virtue means purity, and it begins in the heart and in the mind. "It is a pattern of thought and behavior based on high moral standards. The Latin root word for virtue is virtus, which means "strength". One contemporary meaning states that virtue is an "effective power or force; especially, the ability to heal or strengthen."

This power is not the kind of power we see in the world. It has nothing to do with fame, position, good looks,or wealth. The power and strength of which I am speaking has everything to do with virtue, which is chastity and sexual purity. There is no strength that is greater than the strength of virtue nor any confidence that is more sure than the confidence of a virtuous life. "

(I have add this quote in at this point: "Your wealth and fame will be your virtue." Don't know who said this.. sorry.)

Elaine continues: "... During the critical days of World War II, Winston Churchill aroused an entire nation when he said: "you ask, what is our aim? I can answer in one word: victory. Victory at all costs, victory is spite of all terror, victory, however long the road may be; for without victory, there is no survival."

"I echo that call for the war in which we ar engaged today by paraphrasing the words of Winston Churchchill for you: You ask, what is our aim? I can answer with one word virtue. Virtue at all costs, virtue in spite of all opposition, virtue however long and hard the road to repentance may be; for without virtue, there can be no victory.

"What will your generation be known for? Will you be known as the tolerant generation, the consumer generation, Gen X or Y or will you be known as the generation that was seduced into living your lives virtually instead of virtuously? Or will you, could you be known for your purity and virtue and for your courage and strength in leading the rest of the world in a return for virtue and for your courage and strength in leading the rest of the world a return so stunning that the very purity of your lives and teh strength of your conviciton change the course of society and change the world?"

"I truly believe that one virutous woman or man, led by the Spirit , can change the world."

I have tried to keep this blog on a professional level. I wanted to create a web presence for myself so that as I sent in essays, books, etc. I could direct editors and publishing companies to this site. But the more I write, the more compelled I am that I need to be more true to myself. My header above is a depiction of a room, a desk, a typewriter. Not just any room, but my personal space that I want to invite readers into; To share the things that will really help others I need to take a leap of faith and put myself out there if I am going to make a difference. Hence, the sharing of this article. I am going to dig deeper and share the truth of a single mom, struggling with a disease that is debilitating, pioneering medications that have horrible side effects, dealing with my pride as I struggle taking government assistance despite having a degree and wishing that I could work and use my talents to contribute and give back; this is my fight.

As much as I would love to deliver a sweet, sugary coated rendition of my life in tight book form; the reality is the bitter, jaw clenching taste of Raw Rhubarb.

The artwork is Minerva Teichert. I love her work. I can't wait for the day when one will hang from my wall. Starting with the one on the top.

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