Keep your fingers crossed! It's amazing how much I've thought about 'writing' but I've just been too lazy to pick up my journal. I have written some letters- the real kind.
AND.... I am falling in love with one of my Neuroblastoma biography kids. The last while I have been reading: he's red headed. Who can resist that? And he has two younger brothers and their personalities are a scream. They all tease each other and have the funnest personalities. Either I am laughing so hard at Sam teasing his brother and giving him sly grins, totally feeling for Margot as she takes them to all their practices, or just following along the trail of a parent who is part of a small community of parents that have to deal with this devastating disease!
At the end of John Adams it says:
"Griefs upon griefs! Disappointments upon disappointments. What then? This is a gay, merry world notwithstanding."
He had his share. And, yes, nothwithstanding all the sadness, there is joy.
Interestingly, my 'friend' Sam passed away two years ago. But when I read his mother's/fathers words about him, he feels right here. Just like John Adams or another from a book I love.
One thing Sam's father, Neil, said at a poignant moment in one of the posts while Sam was still here was: "Parents, please hug your children."
Making a POINT of that is harder than you think. First, you have to stop. And think. Think a moment about this child. What it is Neil was trying to get across to those of us that can get caught up and forget how fleeting it is.
So those "In honor of Sam" hugs are special.
Then Margot mentioned in some time after Sam's passing for us not to forget him. I am so glad I met him. And that I CAN remember him. I can honestly say that this little journey of reading- though off the beaten path of my regular reading, has been one of the most inspiring "reads".
There are several foundations that I will post here that raise money for this type of cancer. Sometimes, we can't do that but as I read I see how hugely important blood tranfusions are for these little kids. And shelf life isn't long, especially for platelets.
My Dad- kudos- to him is a regular. And I mean REGULAR. He has the beloved special universal blood type, has great iron, and is a rock to go do that. I cry when I hear the thanks these parents give.
I would do anything to be able to give blood or platelets.
These kids LOVE bionicles and Legos. Things they can put together in bed. Erin loved doing bead work.
I have a fun post about a Ghost Train I will put up in a few days. But I needed to just write today about random stuff.
Jaden had a great ball game today and I got to see it. He has said some funny things lately that have caught my attention. Especially, when I am up in the night. I love to hear him giggle from his bed.
What is he dreaming?
One night he said: "I've got it." With a lot of confidence.
Another night it was some kind of murming then: "" I was so elated. But, then, it may be for me he said it. ??
One night he was playing his games and we were snuggling and I took off my glasses. He begged me to: "Put them back on so I was still there with him." (i.e. rooting for him on the game he was playing.)
After leaving the gym today and driving back for his coat- I made the Sam effort to not get upset. And it worked a bit. But J saw through it. And like Margot said in one post- Mr. Baby Dude could tell she wasn't "lit" up.
When we found his coat, I breathed a sigh of relief and the tension started to release. J said: "Oh, good, you're back." By the way, I think today was J's best offensive/defensive game in his short career. He was VERY happy. And I am very happy to have seen it. He ALMOST did a double pump shot but it was too late. Feet hit the ground. Travel. He claims a foul. Dunno. But, despite the miss, and it barely reaching the half way to the rim- it was our FAV play of the game! Go figure!
His teammates inspire him to play hard and he has some of the greatest coaches. I can't thank them enough for taking the time to coach my son. I KNOW how hard it is to coach. Well, the little kids. People who put their time in to teach a child are my heroes.
Thanks. I hope that I can get back into a position to volunteer in that respect.
These comments and moments in life take on new meaning after reading:
I want to be on THIS team! It's amazing how better you can be when you have examples like Sam.
These special kids are becoming a highlight to my holiday season. Seriously.
As I put the lights on the tree this year, and go through out the next month, they will be on my mind and in the lights that dazzle the trees, sky, and sparkle out there in the snow.
I really needed the boost and want to thank the parents who have put themselves out there to post about their lives! I continue to check back on them because these little spirits continue on in the most remarkable ways....
Well, the garden is ready for spring. And I had nothing to do with it. Magically, all the brothers came and did the work. They removed the weeds, mowed the lawn and The Torment (older bro.) tilled in the clippings. The soil looks so good!
THEN they cut down the tree limbs that cause so much shade over the garden and make it hard to grow things. Little brother has been out there today making firewood of it all and keeping me from a post game nap.
Jaden has been pulling his truck and 5th wheel, motorcycles and using his hunting men this afternoon to create camping/hunting trips. Eavesdropping in on these moments are so cute and he'd kill me if I put anything on here. I wonder if it's the same talk that goes on with the older guys.
J. has a little cousin on the way with a room that is basically Hunting themed. A bunch of antlers make up the "chandelier", camo sheets on the bed, John Deere pictures and Elk around the room. He left the house and told me: "I want that kids room."
So it looks like I have a project before me.... a new bed spread for Christmas. Luckily, his carpet is already camo green.... Doors, too.
Okay. I will get my juices flowing for the next post.
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