Wednesday, June 8, 2011


Before bed J and I like to laugh and lately a Junie B. Jones book has done the trick. Last night Junie learned about the adage: 'when life hands you lemons, you should make lemonade.' Well, I did just that,

except with Rhubarb.

I am always rusty with my first pie of the season.

The crust eventually gets better each time I make it. But today, after I sliced through the crust, I encountered a puddle of rhubarb juice.

A first.

AFter visiting beautiful Utah- 80 degree, sunny weather- I returned home to the same dreary, cloudy sky forecast. The Snake River is so swollen; lapping up onto the greenbelt. And the rumour is it will be a foot higher by Friday.

So Jaden and I run our various errands together now that it is Summer (a loose term we use in Idaho) and enjoy that he has mainly indoor activities to pass the first week of June.

I hesitated blogging about my lovely pie, but then realized that the whole point of my blog is about the bitter and the sweet. I think I will just pour the pie into the blender and make it a shake or something. sigh.

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