If you are like me, you love to wrap presents.
Even if you narrowly passed Geometry, forming right angles and straight creases on the toughest shiny paper, can be fun. Adding frilly bows and whimsy curls is icing on the cake for your gift giving "brew-ha-ha".
However, if it is preceded by a tight budget, cutting coupons/printing them off the computer and setting alarms to go off for when they expire, moving shoulder to shoulder like sheep with other shoppers, leaving a store in snow, sleet or hail,at dinner time can make wrapping the last thing on your list.
I have arrived at a simple solution. Have your kid(s) do it.
Watching J wrap a gift, after such a blizzard of activity, I learned a few tips that will come in handy next year.
J taught me that perfect creases, designated 'front' and 'back',
clear versus cloudy tape, are unimportant in the gift wrapping fiasco. It's the wrapped box that counts.
I know many of you are already prepared, home baking cookies, playing games with your luvies and wassailing. For those of you who are doing last minute shopping and facing the dreadful wrapping task later tonight, when Santa is already hitting the road... Let J's wrapping tips help you.
It will save you plenty of stress, sudden memory loss to Christmas carols and tics while trying to tuck in your tinies Eve Night!
Merrry Christmas!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! May your day be wrapped in joy and a family feud or two!
Now to mastering those waffle cookies...
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